This highly cost efficient solution fulfills the SOLAS requirements for both speed log and echo sounder for vessels below 50,000 GT. The SAL R1E Package combines the small SAL R1a speed through water transducer and one echo sounder transducer into the same sea valve and thus requires only ONE hull penetration.
Easy to fit in narrow spaces
Easy maintenance and service with sea valve
Only One hull penetration
Only One cable drawing
Only One package to be purchased
System Description
The basic version of the SAL R1E consists of one SAL R1a Water Track Speed Log and one E1 Navigational Sounder (50 kHz), a combined sea valve and two separate displays. The speed log transducer and the echo sounder transducer share the same sea valve. Installation with sea valve allows easy access for maintenance, and if necessary, exchange of transducer from the inside without dry-docking. The system can optionally be upgraded to a dual frequency E2 Navigational Sounder (50 kHz or 200 kHz in aft tank).